Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Being Useful

Second year of medicine at Newcastle is now just under two weeks away! A long summer to reflect and think about the future - those professional, social and academic goals. It feels strange to think about being on the 'back nine' of your university experience (sixth year of a projected nine) but having now had the journey of being a first year medical student, it really is still all to play for.

When I think back to the best year I had academically, it also was the year I was most useful socially. In November of 2014, I was elected to be the Academic Secretary of the Plymouth Biomedical Society. A very proud moment but also was finding out out my second year degree average to be 73.5% and nonchalantly handing over that transcript to my mother in the Summer of 2015.

And now fast forward to September of 2018, as I begin my post as President of the Newcastle Academic Medicine Society, this is also a time where I'm realising how useful I can be socially. Inspiring a committee, providing advice and engaging with presenters. Through planning for this opportunity over the summer, my academic goal - an AFP interview, has only been heightened. Having clarity on what that goal was, has certainly helped me realise what I'm playing for. All the previous rejections, people counting me out and still a greater opportunity lies ahead.

And now back to fixing a server connection to my SQL database!

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