New Year. New decisions.
Assignment 1: 89%
Short Answer Paper: 59% - 389th out of 421 students.
Single Best Answer Paper: 59% - 320th out of 419 students.
We're making real progress in coursework from first year. A huge improvement in coursework mark from thinking through feedback from last year's essay. This was a fulfilling mark as the key area I needed to improve in was clear:
- Critical analysis of papers by reflecting on limitations > broad over-arching review giving yourself an opportunity to give your own opinion.
Reflecting on Limitations.
My exam results have set new lows for my ranking within the cohort. Reflecting on limitations is crucial and after employing notes per learning outcome and flashcards with the aim of boosting my long-term retention of pre-clinical material, I have seen large drops in my Single Best Answer Paper mark. This is reflective of a huge shift (after my January exams last year) in my learning style from repetitive memorisation of models by writing and condensing during Biomedical Science to revising a series of key facts.
During both exams, I felt unable to draw upon experience of thinking through a problem I've not seen explicitly seen before because I had not learnt the material as a model but rather a fact. Learning material as model first rather than fact first is reflective of my learning style as an Abstract Learner. As someone who learns through experience and generating a visual model during my Biomedical Science days rather than someone who remembers concrete facts and builds knowledge through a series of defined principles, I have appreciated this much more now.
Knowing what it took to get here and understanding various learning methods and how they apply to my strengths has been vital. Focusing on my core learning skills will help me right the path I'm on.
For now: A Charity Pub Quiz to prepare for! [Very Abstract!]