We are now onto Case 18 in pre-clinical programme at Newcastle University. This week we're learning about Malaria and Global Health. Learning about diseases that we may never see clinically in the UK but are likely to in other areas of the world. Its new and different so learning in second year feels fresh and exciting.
Society commitments with the Emergency Medicine and Academic Medicine committees are ongoing with various levels of success. Disappointments of having the Charity Pub Quiz and passing on the Glasgow Trip have lingered. Feeling that you've let down committee and society members is very tough.
Having a clear boundary between social and professional friends has been an area I've always had at my time at university but since many of my close friends are society or committee members, this boundary is not so clear-cut. As a result, how I handle myself has to change and this comes down to sculpting yourself around the person that you want to be. An oncologist? A dermatologist? A plastic surgeon? An AFP trainee.
Only once you become more true to yourself in both your goals and mannerisms will you end up becoming that person.