Thursday, 30 March 2017

And Rejection #4.

Southampton rejection pre-interview.

And that wraps up my 2017 Entry Cycle application. Unfortunately, it seems that a low admissions score was the culprit this cycle. But my scores have improved from last year and I don't particularly feel any less determined to get in. If anything, I know I'm close. Just need to get myself in as many interview rooms as I can next year. And so, preparation for 2018 Entry shall begin soon. Armed with fresh ambition, a renewed personal statement and hopefully better a better admissisions test score, we'll have another crack at trying to get in. 

Just one more teaching week, two more essays and a 10,000 word dissertation left in my Cambridge Masters degree. My dissertation deadline is on the 31st July. I will find out my startdate for healthcare assistant work soon but I hope to start, at the very least, before submitting my next UCAS application.

The immediate outlook is up. More experience through hospitals, clinical practice and being around medical personnel will help me adopt a more clinical mindset that should help me through interviews. After one interview this year, I know I am close.

But one day I will get in and that day will be a special day.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Healthcare Assistant News!

After three medical school rejections (yet to hear from Southampton), I've decided to apply for full-time healthcare assistant work. I've applied to four different posts (Orthopaedics at one Hospital, two community based clinics and Emergency Department at another Hospital).

News from today is that I have a conditional offer of appointment to be a Healthcare Assistant in the Emergency Department!

Had an interview last week and the nurses were extremely kind and warming. Along with a few standard questions on your past and what you plan to do, I also had questions on ethical scenarios and thankfully, I could think more coherently and articulate myself better than I did at my medical school interview and fortunately, I got a job offer.

Sheer relief that ethics and interview practice has paid off and I'm extremely excited to now proudly become an NHS employee.

 And so hopefully this begins a long career in hospital-based healthcare. Medical school applications await in upcoming months but healthcare assistant work is something new to look forward to.