Sunday, 21 February 2016

A Welcome

Welcome to my blog. I'm currently a Third Year Biomedical Science student at Plymouth University who still is clinging onto the hope of one day studying Medicine in the near future. I say, the near future, as unfortunately my application for 2016 Entry is no longer under consideration by all four universities.

GAMSAT score: 56
UKCAT score: 635

Exeter University - low GAMSAT
Plymouth University - low GAMSAT
St George's University - low GAMSAT
Nottingham University - low GAMSAT

So, 2017 Entry it is. I have three modules left this semester in the final year of my degree and decisions about what I plan to do next year will be made soon. It is disappointing to be rejected because of low aptitude test scores but I know I can do better next year and I'm still hopeful of a high enough degree prediction to perhaps warrant an interview.

This is my third attempt at writing up a blog. I felt as if my previous two were rather verbose and overly scientific. Let's see how this journey goes.